Before you start your diet better undergo some medical examinations, to see if you crave a disease that can endanger your health if you do diet. Then can determine whether you can run, pass, change, or even stop your diet.
Examination of lipids (fats)
To detect the risk of heart disease
High blood pressure, high cholesterol, lack of exercise, poor nutrition, obesity, and diabetes are risk factors for heart disease. Yoyo syndrome (weight up and down) can reduce levels of HDL (cholesterol 'good'), thus increasing the risk of heart disease. This examination will measure the lipid levels of HDL, LDL ( 'bad'), and triglycerides. According to the National Institute of Heart, Lung, and Blood in the United States, in each deciliter of blood, LDL should be less than 130 mg, HDL levels over 55 mg, and triglycerides less than 250 mg.
Examination terglikosiasi hemoglobin (HbA1c)
To detect diabetes
According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive & Kidney Diseases United States, approximately 5.4 million people do not know that they have diabetes. This examination is required if your blood pressure is 40/90 or better, your body weight 20% over your ideal weight, your body mass index 27 or more, or you are aged 45 years or more. According to experts in the field of nutrition, they are more to recommend the examination of hemoglobin Ale doing this than fasting blood glucose tests, for describing the blood sugar levels. Thus, it will reduce the possibility of inaccurate results.
Pap smear
To detect cervical cancer
Cancer is largely caused by HPV (human papillomavirus) is transmitted through sexual contact is also associated with poor nutrition can weaken the immune system. Pap smears can detect cancer cells and precancerous cells in the cervix, thus reducing deaths from cervical cancer. There is now a more accurate examination again, the PAPNET. Examination of using this computer can reduce the number of errors in the final report.
Inspection functions timid
To detect thyroid dysfunction
Necessary for those who want to increase weight. Fatigue, weight gain, and indicate the occurrence of muscle pains hypothyroidism (decreased thyroid function). While weight-loss heart palpitations, and anxiety indicate hyperthyroidism (increased thyroid function). Checks should be done every year (or every three months if you have certain symptoms) will measure levels of thyroid stimulating hormone, thyroxine, and triiodotironin. Changes in levels of one of the three indicate a problem. Once hypothyroidism is overcome weight will be reduced easily. However, being overweight is not always the result of hormonal imbalance.
Examination of kidney function
To detect blood urea and creatinine
This examination can measure a decrease in kidney function in which there are elevated levels of urea and creatinine in the blood. When this happens, you should limit your intake of protein, so as not to aggravate the kidneys work.
To detect blood uric acid levels
Low-calorie diet usually will increase uric acid levels in the blood. Levels were already high before the high increases, when you start this diet. Levels of high uric acid can cause gout and kidney stones.
So before you run the program better diet yourself health check, to prevent what we do not want.