Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Overcoming Cellulite

10 Weight Loss Tips By Permanent
One of the most disturbing thing women associated with body skin health is a problem of cellulite and strech marks - white streaks on the skin. The presence of cellulite and strech marks that interfere with the beauty of the skin because the skin look lumpy orange peel and white patches.
Cellulite is not indiscriminate and happen to anyone both young and old age, not only in obese people, even in thin people though.

Just what is cellulite and how to handle it? Cellulite is a layer of fat under the skin that lies on top of muscles. If cellulite involves only the lining layer-only, may not be visible cellulite. The problem is, there is a fiber network that connects muscles to the skin. Network that makes the fat pockets where fat collects or suppress the normal fat layer.

Many Indonesian women often perceive the appearance of cellulite as an imperfection of their bodies. Actually, cellulite is just a term we use to describe a strech mark the folds of fat on the skin surface of a particular body part.
Why only women who often have cellulite? Cellulite has a relationship with fat, and women tend to store fat in different places greater than men. Especially in the inner and outer thighs, hips and buttocks. That is why cellulite often appears these areas.

Factors contributing cause cellulite is overweight / obesity, food consumption patterns of unhealthy habits to consume foods and beverages that contain alcohol, caffeine. Spicy foods also influence the formation of cellulite because the toxins that are produced together in the fat glands. In addition, smoking. These activities not only bad for the skin and lungs, but can also weaken the skin caused by capillary congestion, which can damage the relationship affects the glands that the emergence of cellulite.

There are still other causes of stress and lack of rest may cause muscle stress. That can also cause the glands close relationship come depressed muscles. Tensions also block the gland and prevent the waste disposal well. Lack of exercise and sitting habits that contribute to the formation of long cellulite.

In order cellulite is not comfortable for long your body, consider the following tips.
First, exercise regularly. Sports helps remove toxins and excess fat under the skin. Avoid alcohol and multiply drinking water. Reduce consume too many foods that contain sugar, butter, animal fats and salt. And multiply eating food that contains lots of protein, fruits and vegetables.
This habit helps launch a process of fat and reduce the risk of the formation of cellulite. Many doctors and dieticians expressed a relationship between lack of blood supply to fat cells, which then form a liquid as a trigger the growth of cellulite due to not notice the food.

Foods that should be reduced

1. Salt
Because of the salt we eat is hidden in most processed foods, it is difficult for us to avoid it. The best way to reduce the consumption of processed foods, especially foods that are packed in plastic, cardboard or tin. Replace with fresh fruit and vegetables, beans, tempeh, lean meats and fish.

2. Caffeine
Try try to drink a maximum of one cup of coffee or tea every day. The combination of a lot of caffeine and habits while sitting in a chair in the office all day can lead to shrinkage of blood vessels and blood circulation becomes less efficient.

3. Sugar
Too much sugar in the body is stored as fat, so be careful with cookies, candies, cakes, chocolate and ice cream. Read the packaging to check the amount of sugar contained in each product and do not be fooled by the packaging advertising that states "95 percent fat-free." You may not know if they have reduced the fat and replace it with sugar.

Meals should be eaten more

1. Protein
Eating foods that contain protein twice a day because the protein is an important nutrients for healthy growth and cell repair. Proteins can be found from dairy products, tempeh, lean meats and fish was not greasy.

2. Fruits and vegetables
There are no exceptions, fruits and vegetables are two types of food that must be in a healthy eating program. Choose fruit and brightly colored vegetables because they contain antioxidants such as carrots, mango, blueberries, kiwi, chili, spinach, tomatoes.

Hopefully Helpful
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