Did you know Main Causes of Obesity.
Eating while watching tv can cause your body to be fat, because most of us have a bad habit of eating snacks while watching Tv or a movie
And other factors are very important to make your body into fat more quickly is an invitation to a man who named "People date" for meneman he eats steak restorant famous and most delicious. That does not mean you should refuse it and you will still be a fun date for him.
The way to overcome these problems are:
Eat only a little.
As a result of eating less will only result in lowering your body's metabolism. With your back to eating normally then your weight will come back like before you date him, but also increase your weight.
Eat only small portions that can maintain a balance of carbohydrates and proteins, for example, crackers with cheese or a light vegetable soup and chicken.
Avoid cooking oil
Avoid fried foods or lots containing sauce. Then comes a strong desire and you can not refuse to taste the food, eat only a little.
Encourage your partner to exercise together. Although he did not like sports, if he sees you wearing a sexy workout clothes, then the desire to exercise would be very strong.
This diet will be very nice if you do with a happy heart, Good luck I hope you are successful and more beautiful with the ideal body.