Post a merger between a full-blooded, press fingers and bioenergy. The flow of energy (bioenergy) also believe the meridian lines, which act to channel the energy from one organ to other organs. So that the elements of full-blooded energy (a combination of finger sticks, full-blooded and bioenergy) complement each other.
How to post a job similar to acupuncture. If acupuncture uses fine needles at specific points in the body known as acupuncture points, then post a hand with the fingers
post a dysfunction also can correct and maintain the body's vital energy balance in the body by the blood flow smooth. If the balance is achieved, then the body will be in homeostatic conditions, the body has a strong immunity, so as to remove toxins from the body.
Having performed on the body penotokan want dilangsingkan like arms, thighs, etc., continued penotokan ear to put the brakes on your appetite. In principle, this treatment is to put the brakes on excessive appetite and increased destruction of fat cells, while inhibiting fat cell inhibition.
This program is not successful, highly dependent on the client discipline. Clients are encouraged to continue exercising and not eating heavy at the top at 7 pm every day. If you want discipline, some lost weight a kilo in one week. To obtain satisfactory results, you should post a done 12 times.
source: SuaraKaryaonline Posted By. Rudi
Hopefully Helpful.