Friday, January 29, 2010

Making mistakes Diet

10 Weight Loss Tips By Permanent
Making mistakes Diet

Error on diet and nutrition can make your diet plan to fail

Not Eat Fat
Lowfat diet is a very good way to lose excess weight. But, recent research shows that eating a little healthy fat (especially saturated fat only), which combined with a diet high in fiber and low fat protein can help you lose weight. In this way, as it says Penny Kris Etherton, Ph.D., RD, a professor of nutrition from Pennsylvania State University, will make you feel full longer. You were much more determined to stick to a weight-loss program. "Keep enjoying the foods that contain fat, but in smaller portions, such as olive oil, avocado, salmon and nuts. The great thing is you will be able to say just how easy it is to lose weight.

Strict prohibition

because the diet is a lot of women who memblack foods list their favorite. The reason is because there are several types of diets say all the food is dangerous and can make their bodies 'bubble'.

"You can not see the food partially," said DayleHayes, MS, RD, nutrition consultant from Billngs, Mont. "When you remove a group of foods, then you dispose of essential nutrients." For example, if you did not drink milk, eat diary products or nuts, then you lose some of the best protein sources. If you avoid the consumption of fat-rich fish such as salmon, sardines or tuna, then you are removing a source of omega-3 fatty acids are very important.

"Making 'the list of foods that should not be eaten' is exactly the style of the world's oldest diet," adds Robyn Flipse, RD, nutrition consultant. Because, as long as one can blame these kinds of foods or combinations of certain foods on the occurrence of overweight in themselves. And the important thing is how to shop or prepare food for themselves and do some form of regular physical activity.


Research shows that many people forget what has been eaten for a day or pretend not to know what you do not look at the food (such as ketchup, sugar or fat are hidden in food). In addition, it is easy to 'forget' the calories you can pass snacks. But remember, the body never lies. The result will see the size of the buttocks, abdomen and your thighs look bigger plus.

"I once took my friend all day long and was so stunned because of how easily he forgot what he had eaten. Like the rest of the bread that she ate while making provision for his son, a suburb of brownies that she cut from the pan," says Ann Litt, MS , RD, LD, a nutritionist and author of The College Student's Guide to Eating Well on Campus (Tulip Hill Press, 2000). "Too many small bites and sip if collected can be equal to one full meal if you're not careful," he added.

Do you think that by not eating meat will make your body fat decreases. Think again. Because actually much better reasons to become vegetarian, whether this will work? but in reality, many of the 'vegetarian' actually gain weight because they replace the meat with a large serving of noodles, rice, or cakes. Yet all these foods contain calories which is almost as big as the meat, not even contain protein that makes you more energetic. To become a vegetarian need more than just replace the meat with tofu or always eat vegetables every day. Being a vegetarian is a process including creating a new shopping patterns and cooking habits.

Not to be thin

Very easy to gain weight weighing 2 pounds, but also quite easy to cut back. You can scrape the excess weight is 2 pounds in a month without making adjustments that are essential to the calories you consume each day. To remove 1 / 2 kg, you can simply reduce to 3500 calories could reduce the number of calories you consume or by exercising harder to burn more calories. By reducing about 500 calories per day, you can discard 1 / 2 pounds in a week, or about 2 pounds in a month.

To reduce your weight, make diet diary to record the incoming calories, and your emotions are related to food. Then weigh yourself at the same time each week. So suggestions Dwan Jackson, RD, spokewoman for the American Dietetic Association. Better yet if you check your body fat every month. By reviewing your progress regularly and make small adjustments to the diet and your exercise habits, it can definitely be a change in your weight.

Make a Plan
Hunger is something normal and natural, but you must eat on time. Because if not, you tend to lose control and eat with more-an. eat healthy snack such as fruit, nonfat yogurt, or boiled peanuts you can eat while in a vehicle or at lunch time.
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