Acupuncture is a type of treatment using puncture technique of fine needles at specific points in the body called Acupuncture Point. From the literature, it is known that this type of treatment has been practiced since the first in China, Africa, the Arab Tigris, ancient Egypt and India.
Initially, the practice of acupuncture have not used needles made of fine metal sterile. Acupuncture was used to using the tools of sharp stones, wood, reeds, etc. are used to suppress or piercing parts of a particular body.
More natural and safe There are around 388 points throughout the body which are the points of an acupuncture needle akupunturis. Usually the needle inserted at the front of the body, such as the abdomen, arms and thighs, or rear parts of the body, namely the back.
Slimming methods with acupuncture balances the body system, improve metabolism, increase fat burning and decrease appetite. Principally, acupuncture therapy is to maintain, treat and maintain the state of Yin and Yang in order to stay balanced. If such conditions can be maintained, the body will be healthier overall.
Source: KCM
Posted By. Rudi