How to Lose Weight Easily
Being overweight is a bad dream and not desired for all people, especially for those who always keep up appearances. Body fat can also lead to loss of confidence which will affect a person's career.
To control your weight follow these guidelines.
1. "I Can and Can Must!"
Although facing many temptations of the delicious food, the need to always remember is that you should be able to lose weight.
2. Breakfast.
Do not ever leave the house in the morning without breakfast, because these foods will provide enough energy for activity throughout the day. Breakfast menu is a banana, yogurt, cereal, bread and other food that contains lots of fiber and protein will provide power and energy until lunchtime.
3. Look at the nutrition content of food
calories, because this substance was instrumental in increasing your weight when consumed in excessive amounts. Customize your energy needs / your calories.
4. Do not eat.
The important thing to do is to choose a balanced diet according to the nutritional value your body needs the calories eaten will be utilized optimally. Do not you do not eat or you eat less, for example in a day we eat 3 times but you do because you want to lose weight, you only eat 1 times or 2 times a day. Tindakkan is incorrect, could cause the body's energy shortage and can make you sick.
5. Fiber consumption.
Fiber is very important to maintain a healthy body. Fibers that we eat day to day functions to help lower cholesterol and facilitate the digestive tract. Fiber can also lead to satiety, so naturally will reduce the food that is not useful. Most of the fibers have a high water content and low calorie foods in accordance with what we need to lose weight.
6. Healthy food.
Choose foods that contain less saturated fat, many of consumption of fruits and vegetables. Choose a vegetable oil as a source of fat because they contain unsaturated fats in the high portion. Eating foods that contain lots of Omega 3 as fish.
7. Sports.
Symbol healthy, inexpensive and can be done by everyone is on foot. Walk at least 5 miles a day. Always try to improve your distance running. Sports not only your weight but also makes your body more healthy.
8. Do not eat snacks at night.
This will destroy your efforts to lose weight because the calories you eat after dinner will be buried in the body. Brush your teeth after dinner will help you to reduce the desire to snack.
9. Protein consumption.
Eating foods that contain lots of protein will make a full stomach in a few hours, thus reducing your need for food containing high calories.
10. Which should be avoided
You should avoid sugar and can you replace them with low-calorie sugar, avoid eating fried foods.
11. Drink.
Drink enough so you will avoid excessive eating. It is advisable to drink water 6 to 8 glasses per day.
Your desire to lose weight with diet is good and right will make your body healthy is proper to do, and never give up to lose weight. And always motivate yourself to achieve goals.