Thursday, February 4, 2010

Want To Diet In The Year 2010, This Guide

10 Weight Loss Tips By Permanent
Did you make a resolution to begin a diet and eating healthy in 2010? Do not try to do it in one day resolution. Try to start from small things and you will be able to reach your diet goals, step by step, and look at the whole year later. Here's a guide:

1. Slowly but surely
You can try to add fiber to the diet you everyday. Whether it's by adding menu of fresh fish or fruit. Little change in diet would be better if it begins with small steps. For example:
- Promises to add fiber foods every day.
- Set one day a week as the day "fish menu.
- Prepare the whole-grain cereal to be an afternoon snack.

2. Water
Cheap, free from fat, and helps make the body out of thirst. If the advice 8 glasses per day is torment, try the small things:
- Drink a glass of water in the morning before you brush your teeth.
- Tempted to drink soda or other drinks? Try to drink a glass of water before.
- Try to count how many glasses of water you drink is successful today, and promised to add another glass the next day.

3. Food colors
Colorful foods, especially fruits and vegetables contain substances that can fight disease, so, when you're shopping for groceries vegetables and fruits, remember the rainbow. The more colors, more and more of your vitamin / create.
- Schedule a day in color. For example, on Monday as the yellow menu (corn, yellow apples, and others), and then Tuesday to purple (plum, eggplant, and others).
- Vary. Try to add a menu of fruits or vegetables that have never had to try every time you shop.

4. Opponent's desire for snacking
When you're watching a DVD at home with friends, you need to nibble, while talking on the phone, you are snacking. What can you do?
- Try always prepared sugar-free mint on your clothes bag, use every desire to chew it up.
- Brushing teeth. There are some people who snacking because they want to remove the smell of the mouth. There's a good idea to always prepare a toothbrush in your bag. In addition, even after brushing your teeth will feel like eating again.
- Watch the food that you eat carefully. With thought, you little to resist the urge to chew.
- Your hands busy with other things. Whether it's with a glass of water, a glass of tea, or by clearing the table.

5. Gather reinforcements
At one time, you will need help to be successful.
- Find a friend who has a desire with you, which also has a resolution to lose weight. Then express each idea, plan, and your success on a regular basis.
- Keep away from temptation. Do not go near the ice cream, chips, or soda while in the supermarket. Occasionally let the desire to taste the delicious food was not wrong, if not repeat or excessive.
- Select-select events. If your friends invite to hang out, choose the event that does not involve a meal as the theme of the show.

6. Maintain a healthy body
Little things are done over to pamper your body will help the business? You. Example:
- Move over 30 minutes per day. Whether it be on foot at medium speed, clean car, or clean the house. Whatever it is, provided you can move your body for 30 minutes without stopping and make your heart work harder.
- Perform the necessary tests. Cholesterol checks, Pap smears, and check for other diseases that might be menghinggap in your body.
- Sleep is enough. Sleep helps the body and soul filled with more power. Try to deal with stress.

Source: Sriwijaya Post - Posted By Rudi
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